10 Tips For Exercise Success

Ever started an exercise program...And then quit? Or joined a fitness club with all good intentions, and then allowed yourself to become too busy to work out? Oh, you enjoy knowing that you're a member, but somehow you just haven't gotten to the gym lately.

 Here are 10 Tips For Exercising Success, 10 tips that will help you make exercising a part of your lifestyle!

1. Choose activities that are fun - it doesn't have to be exhausting or boring to be good for you!

2. Variety is the spice of life! Develop a repertoire of various kinds of exercise you enjoy doing.

3. Keep a record of your activities. Reward yourself at special milestones. Nothing motivates like success!

4. Make it a lifestyle! Diets and fitness kicks don't work, but lifestyle changes do work! Know that you deserve a healthy and happy life and determine that nothing is going to stand in the way of your new, positive lifestyle! Make it not just something you do, make it the way you live!

5. Dress the part! Wear the appropriate clothing, generally comfortable, right fitting clothing and the right shoes. There's footwear for almost every activity and a lot of it is expensive, but your feet will thank you and you'll enjoy exercise more if you have the right shoes on your feet.

6. Pick a time that's convenient. Try to make it a habit, but be flexible. If you miss an exercise opportunity, work an activity into your day another way. Some studies suggest that people who exercise early in the morning are more likely to continue which may be because other studies suggest that exercising before breakfast burns more calories.

7. Find a good place to exercise. Of course, would be convenient and fun to work out in a Fitness Club, equipped with all the cardio vascular, body toning and weight training machines and personal trainers! Plus clubs offer aerobic exercise sessions, spinning sessions, step classes, and others with leading local instructors, all of which makes it all a whole lot more motivating! But the truth is you can work out anywhere

8. Use music to keep you entertained. If you don't like the music at the club, request them to play your own CD or tape! Fast and peppy music usually results in a more energetic and fulfilling workout!

9. Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage you and who want to see you succeed! Share your activity with others. It may be a friend, family member, or neighbor. You may run with a co-worker over lunch. If you workout at the same time every week at the club you'll find other people who have the same schedule, and help you make 'workout buddies or friends'.

10. Slow and steady wins the race in fitness. Don't risk injury by overdoing it... Do low- to moderate-level activities, especially at first. You can slowly increase the duration and intensity of your activities as you become more fit. Over time, work up to exercising three or four times per week for 30-60 minutes.